6:46 PM

Aidan's 1st Day of 2nd Grade

Aidan started 2nd grade today. He wasn't so sure about going to school this morning and fussed a little bit getting on the bus. But, just like a typical kid, he perked right up when he got to use his new i-pod and listen to some music on the way to school.

Here's a picture of him at recess (also with his i-pod). He was having a good time. Like his new faux hawk haircut? Pretty cool!


HopeE said...

AWESOME update on Aidan's school day - I love seeing him smile!! And, YES! I love his haircut! He looks so different -- so grown up!

Drew Israelsen Family said...

Looks like he enjoyed himself! love the haircut

Robyn said...

It is so great to see him smile like that!! Great haircut!! They grow up so fast!