10:01 PM

Little Triumphs, Big Joy!

Some parents get excited when their child gets a great report card or scores the winning goal in the big game, as they should. We all get tremendous joy in the things our children accomplish. Yesterday I had a moment of joy that brought tears to my eyes. I witnessed my son stand up from a bench and stand on his own two legs for ten seconds. He was so proud and I was too. We smiled and laughed together and it was beautiful.
Thanks God for little triumphs!

3:58 PM

"Skinny" Mommy

Today while snuggling with Aubrey she said, "Mommy, you're so soft, and warm...and skinny!" Shocked, I replied, "You think I'm skinny?" She promptly burst my bubble by saying, "Yes, because you have so much skin."

11:00 PM

Like Father, Like Son

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10:57 PM

Swimming Lessons

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