4:46 AM

Facebook | Your Photos - Fun in the Snow!

Facebook Your Photos - Fun in the Snow!


Jillene Israelsen said...

Melissa..........isnt motherhood wonderful!!! I enjoy so much hearing about these special moments when the monster comes out in us, because now as a grandma I can just sit back and smile and think how darling my grandchildren are and how much my children deserve these moments for all of them they brought to me!!!
I was sooooo touched by your comments about Aidan standing HIP HIP HORRAY!!! Oh yes and happy birthday big guy ;)
I have been slack in getting out Christmas cards so far so if you dont get one please know that we love you and wish you the Merriest of Christmas's and Happy New Year. We did get one from you folks the other day and that was sooo nice, fun to see the picture of the whole family.
Say HI to Bruce and Kiss the kids from gramma Jillene.
Love you,