10:01 PM

Little Triumphs, Big Joy!

Some parents get excited when their child gets a great report card or scores the winning goal in the big game, as they should. We all get tremendous joy in the things our children accomplish. Yesterday I had a moment of joy that brought tears to my eyes. I witnessed my son stand up from a bench and stand on his own two legs for ten seconds. He was so proud and I was too. We smiled and laughed together and it was beautiful.
Thanks God for little triumphs!


HopeE said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Praise the Lord! That brings me to tears, too! I'm so proud of him...

Drew Israelsen Family said...

That is so AWESOME!!! Give him thumbs up from us!

Kathy in WA said...

Wow - tears indeed! Awesome

Drea said...

Add me to the list of people who shed tears- way to go!!!