6:32 PM

"Thank God for Mean Moms"

My friend keeps reminding me that being a "mean mom" translates to a mom who is doing her job.

Lately, Aubrey has really been testing every possible limit. Yesterday we ventured out to do our weekly shopping. We stopped at Starbucks to get some incentive to make the trip out worth it. While inside, Aubrey would absolutely not obey anything I said. Finally out of complete exasperation I turned to her and said, "I am getting very frustrated with you." She immediately replied, "Well, I am very frustrated with you!" Well that did get me to chuckle a little bit, but I tried to hide it.

We continued on our shopping trip. Luckily at Fred Meyer they have blessed us weary parents with Play Land so I got to shop in peace. After that we went to Costco where Aubrey continued her quest to make me totally crazy. By the time we finally got all our shopping done and we were on our way home, our relationship had sunk to a new low. I had told her she was no longer allowed to talk to me the rest of the ride home. I was so done!

What was her response? Well she began to sing a song from Sunday school. My heart melted as she sang, "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me." "I love him so...etc." I was just thinking how sweet she really was after all, when she started singing a new version. "Mommy is so bad, Mommy is so bad, Mommy is so bad, she's so bad to me." "I don't love her so...etc." So much for the sweet girl thought.

I'm sure someday I will again experience her as a sweet, beautiful blessing, and my heart will swell with joy for being in her presence. I look forward to that with anxious anticipation. So far, I'm still waiting.


HopeE said...

HAHAHA!!! Oh, my goodness. I cringe as I get feelings of deja vu! You certainly have your hands full there, Melissa! She's a tough -- and very smart! -- one! :)

Durr Family said...

I am laughing out loud. Although I'm not so sure you've had the chance to laugh out loud at that yet. Maybe when you look back when she is 30 and has her own kids.

Drew Israelsen Family said...

Her and Lena are so much alike it makes me laugh. I set up our Christmas tree and Lena was telling me I was an idiot because I was putting pine cones on it and she thought they were stupid. Hey at least they have a mind of their own huh!!!

Mark and Kels said...

Oh my word Melissa. I am laughing- but only because it wasn't me. I'm so glad you are writing this stuff down. My mom laughs at me now when I tell her the latest strong willed child story of my only 9 1/2 month old and says with an evil smile "God is a God of justice. I knew you would get one like you." Aubrey will probably someday get hers too :).