1:17 PM

Aubrey the Conversationist

Aubrey is always providing us with great laughs. I have been bad about writing down the great things she says, so here is my attempt to remember some from the last week or so.

1. After overhearing me request a refill of my birth control prescription, she told Aidan's therapist that "mommy needs to go get her birthday pills."

2. While helping clean Aidan's syringes, she said, "I have to do a lot of work to get some money to buy food."

3. At the doctor's office waiting room she announced to everyone that she was there to pee in the doctor's special cup.

4. She is using all sorts of big words like "prefer, actually, probably, beautiful, lovely".

5. Someone said "me too" and she said "me three".

6. She can order my drink at Starbucks "decaf soy latte" and her favorite restaurant is "Japanese Steak House", both of which she says very well. Her favorite food is "shrimp".

7. As Dianna was leaving our house on Friday she said, "Bye Bye, I hope you have a good weekend."


Drew Israelsen Family said...

My kids both use the word Actually on a daily basis and sometimes I wonder where the heck they pick up on all the things they say...than I realize crap that came out of my mouth first!!!

The Tulloss Family said...

Isn't that the truth?

Stacey Crandall said...

She is very well spoken... that is the one thing I remember of her trip. That and the fun curls. She is such a QT!!!

Stacey Crandall said...

Missy. I am so looking forward to your trip to Utah :)